Building Digital Communities Through the National Databank

Free mobile SIM cards with data packages for people experiencing data poverty in the West Midlands.

Digital Inclusion is a priority within the West Midlands Digital Road Map aimed at securing access for everyone, particularly those experiencing poverty. We support local people experiencing data poverty to stay connected, through the National Databank.

Click below to see our work.

Staying connected can be challenging. The cost of accessing the internet is now seen as an essential spend in many households, with many making difficult choices between food or data. The National Databank is like a foodbank but for mobile data. We provide free mobile SIM cards to help digitally excluded people get connected.

Since the launch of the National Databank, our work and support has gained recognition on a national scale.

Click below to see more.

To find out more about the West Midlands Digital Inclusion Services, please complete your details.

13 + 11 =

We deliver databank surgeries across the region but if you want to see where there may be a databank local to you, please see the map of the National Digital Inclusion Network.