Welcome to our Digital Health Champions Project!

The project is delivered by Get Families Talking – Smartlyte and supported by Hall Green NNS and NHS England. Together, we’re on a mission to bridge the digital divide in healthcare by empowering individuals to take control of their well-being through digital health literacy.

The UK’s Digital Health Challenge

In an increasingly digital world, access to health information and services is crucial. However, many communities across the UK face barriers due to limited digital skills, language barriers, or lack of access to technology. This digital divide can have serious consequences, especially in understanding and managing health issues.

  • Over 11 million people in the UK lack basic digital skills.
  • Language barriers can deter individuals from seeking vital health information online.
  • Understanding digital health tools can be a game-changer for managing one’s well-being.

The Need for Our Project

The Get Families Talking team recognised these challenges and knew that something needed to change. Our Digital Health Champions Project is our response to this need.

About our Digital Health Champions Project

Our project is all about empowerment through education and support. Here’s how it works:


We train local people with lived experiences, as Digital Health Champions. They in turn, provide guidance and support to individuals, friends and families within their communities. The Digital Health Champions are equipped with the knowledge and skills to help bridge the digital health gap.

  • We host events to improve digital health literacy. These events cover a range of topics, from understanding health conditions to navigating online health resources, like the NHS App..
  • Language should never be a barrier to health. Our project actively addresses language barriers, ensuring that vital health information is accessible to all.
  • We collaborate with local venues, such as schools, community centres, and healthcare centres, to engage with our many different
  • We develop exciting digital resources using the latest AI technology to support our Digital Health Champions.
Are you passionate about improving digital health literacy in your community? Become a Digital Health Champion! Join us in making a real difference in the lives of those we support. Listen to Amsty, our Digital Health Champion on how you can get involved.

Together, we can empower communities to take control of their well-being in the digital age.

Ready to get started?

Apply now and be a part of the change!

Join us on our journey towards a healthier, digitally empowered future.


Gambling Project – developing bite sized videos for raising awareness of digital and gambling in communities. Developing new digital resources for our digital health resources project. Successfully won multiplier bid – planning for engagement,  delivery for development of online resources